
Aegir uses groundbreaking technology to map your property and give your guests more choice, convenience, and control. With your help, we’ll convert your printed maps, blueprints, CAD files, etc, into Aegir Venue Map Data (VMD), a fully interactive map of the entire property that can be used in web and mobile applications and more.

With your new Aegir VMD as a basis, you can build applications to provide your guests with powerful tools to build satisfaction and repeat business, including:

  • Room or point-of-interest selection
  • Directions to any room in the property
  • Online check-in for a hotel room or a business meeting
  • Room or conference room selection
  • Indoor positioning to show visitors or employees where they are on the property
  • Geolocation on most map providers such as Google, Bing and Apple

Aegir has created the Venue Maps Management System (VMMS) to guide you through the process of creating your maps. The VMMS application provides tools for every step in the process, from uploading initial documents to viewing, revising, and approving the final venue map.

Supported platforms

You can access VMMS on any desktop or laptop computer with current versions of Chrome or Firefox.

Important Terminology

Venue Maps Management System (VMMS) - the portal where venue maps are created and you may interact with Aegir’s mapping team

Venue Map Data (VMD) - the final output of your venue mapping process

Venue map proof - a draft document in PDF format created for you to review in the early stages of the process to ensure all information about your venue is correct before the final VMD files are create

Venue map source files - any documents you may have that help us construct your venue map proof. These may be blueprints, CAD files, graphics files, etc., and are used by our mapping team to build your venue map proof

The Venue Maps Management System

The VMMS is an online portal for managing the entire mapping process from start to finish. You may have signed-up for mapping services for your property, or your company may have an enterprise mapping effort underway. You will either sign in through your company’s intranet, or you will receive an email from Aegir with your account information and a link to reset your password and login. The first order of business is to get acquainted with the VMMS portal.

Accessing VMMS outside a corporate intranet

If you received an email to reset your password, click the Reset Password link. Enter your new password twice and submit. To login, go to

  • Enter your Customer Account Number (this will be supplied to you in the email you receive when your account is created by Aegir).
  • Enter your Username (this will be supplied to you in the email you receive when your account is created by Aegir).
  • Enter your Password (created when you hit the Reset Password link in the email you receive).

The VMMS Dashboard

Whether through your company’s intranet or direct login, upon successful login, you will arrive at the VMMS Dashboard. The Dashboard is a quick overview of everything related to your mapping efforts.

Image: The Aegir Venue Maps Management System Dashboard

Alerts & Quick Actions

The Dashboard presents you with an Alerts & Quick Actions area that lists any current items relative to your mapping effort. This may show you the status changes of your venues in the system, or may remind you of requests our mapping team has for you such as reviews or approvals of your venue map proof(s). 

Venue List

Beneath the Alerts & Quick Actions you will also see a list of any and all venues that you are responsible for. Information provided in the list includes the following:

  • Last Action - the date of the last action that occurred in the workflow for mapping a particular property.
  • Code - a series of letters and/or numbers that is a unique ID for a particular venue. These are assigned for you.
  • Venue - the name of the venue.
  • Room Count - the number of bookable rooms in a venue.
  • Status - the current status of a venue in the mapping process (see Appendix 1 Mapping Workflow and Statuses at the end of this guide for a list of all statuses).
  • Action - depending upon the current status of a property, a clickable action you may take, such as contacting our mapping team about a property.

Blue text is actionable. Columns in the list of venues are initially sorted by Last Action, but you may select other column headings to sort by (click once), and you may reverse the sort order (click on that same column heading a second time).

Venue Detail Page

Clicking on an individual venue code or venue name will bring you to a venue detail page. If your venue mapping effort has not started for a particular venue, you will see a message that says: “Your venue is not started yet. We will contact you when ready to get started.”

Image: The Venue Maps Management System Venue Detail Page - venue not started

Once the process is started, you will receive an email update with a link to your VMMS venue detail page. Once in VMMS, you will see that your Dashboard will show an alert, the venue status will change in the venue list, and the venue detail page will change. To proceed, click on the venue whose status has changed and you will move to the next step.

Image: The VMMS Dashboard showing a venue in process - Information Requested

You will see three separate tabs for each stage of the venue map proof completion process. The Aegir mapping team will have requested information from you and the first step is to provide that info. This step is called 1. Download & Prepare. 

Step 1. Download & Prepare

The venue detail page will now display the information the Aegir mapping team has requested. If there are files included, they will be linked below Here’s what we have so far:. You will be able to download them so that you may review them, and if necessary, mark them up, scan them and upload them back to the team for review. Any information that is requested will be listed below Here’s what we need from you:.

Image: Venue Detail Page - Step 1: Download & Prepare

At this point, you can review any files that may have already been uploaded for your property. We’ll ask you to answer additional questions and, if we did not yet have access to them, we’ll request that you upload venue map source files as a basis for your new venue map.

The best venue map source files will help Aegir build the best possible venue map for you. To ensure the quickest possible production time, look for these types of source materials:

  • Blueprint or CAD file of your property produced by an architect or engineering firm.
  • High-quality PDF of your venue. Look for one with extremely sharp lines for walls and other details. If the PDF contains fuzzy wall lines or blurry details, it will take longer to create your map.

If you do not have these materials, look for detailed image files, such as a JPG, PNG, BMP, etc. that were produced from a high-quality source such as those listed above. If you must send a photo of a physical document, make sure the image depicts a straight-on, undistorted view of the venue on wrinkle-free paper.

Please remember that the details of all areas and floors are needed.

You can upload digital files instantly right in VMMS. Physical documents will result in slower map production, but if necessary, you can also fax or mail physical documents to Aegir. The fax number and mailing address are provided on the venue detail page.

Indicate what requested information you are providing. If you wish, click Select and upload a file to upload any files you may have to support your response, and indicate if you will upload, fax or mail your files. Under What requested information are you providing?, click the info that you are providing, and optionally, add any other information you feel may be helpful to the Aegir mapping team, then click Send Your Information.


Image: The venue detail page - Send Your Information

Review your first venue map proof

Once you’ve submitted information about your property, the Aegir mapping team will build a venue map proof for you. You’ll be able to download the venue map proof in VMMS, and view a list of any information we still need. 

The venue map proof is in .pdf format and includes everything that will be in your final venue map data set, but in a visual format so you may review. Below, are two pages from an example of what your property’s venue map proof might look like, including the outdoor surroundings, as well as an upper floor. The venue map proof includes each floor’s layout with all rooms, hallways, points of interest, and other elements, but some may not be labeled yet. The next step will be to fill in any missing information.

Image: a page from an example Aegir venue map proof showing a lobby level and surrounding grounds.

Image: a page from an example Aegir venue map proof showing an upper floor.

Step 2. Send Your Information

Print out your venue map proof, then label it with visitors and/or employees in mind. Depending on the final use for your map data, your venue map proof may not include or require any back-of-house or inaccessible facilities spaces, unless these are specifically needed for your maps application.

Verify that all information is correct and make sure your map includes elements such as:

Indoor detailsOutdoor details
  • Building labels, if more than one
  • Floor labels
  • Business centers
  • Dining
  • Elevators, escalators, stairwells
  • Entrances
  • Fitness centers
  • Front desk
  • Gift shops
  • Reservable rooms and their names/numbers
  • Ice machines
  • Laundry
  • Lobbies
  • Meeting space
  • Break rooms
  • Public areas
  • Restrooms
  • Signature indoor landmarks like artworks, monuments, and water features
  • Spas
  • Vending machines
  • Walkways like hallways, atrium skywalks, and concourses between buildings
  • Indoor Pools

  • Clubhouses
  • Outdoor athletic facilities like golf courses, tennis or basketball courts, or walking and fitness trails 
  • Outdoor event venues
  • Outdoor public areas
  • Outdoor walkways
  • Outdoor Pools
  • Signature outdoor landmarks like artworks, monuments, and water features
  • Significant garden features


Remember these guidelines when you’re filling in your property’s information:

Resources like meeting rooms: Label each room, by floor. Also show other relevant elements on that floor, such as vending and ice machines, laundry facilities, elevators, break rooms and stairs

Signature indoor and outdoor landmarks: Indicate any unique features or amenities for your guests or visitors. Examples might include large sculptures, walkable gardens or break areas or water features.

Divided meeting spaces: Include names of meeting rooms, including any that can be created by dividing a larger room, e.g. “Continental Ballroom” as well as “Continental A” and “Continental B."


Submit your revised map

Once you’ve completed all of your map details, upload your revised map in the VMMS application. Physical documents will result in slower map production, but as before, if necessary you can also fax or mail a physical revised map to Aegir. This step may repeat some depending on how much information you have and how many questions the Aegir mapping team has as they progress with your venue map proof. At this point, you’ll be waiting for the Aegir venue mapping team to provide your final venue map proof, and you’ll be on Step 3. Approve Your Venue Map Proof.

Review your final map

As soon as we complete a final version of your venue map proof, VMMS will automatically notify you to review it. Login to VMMS. You’ll see the Alerts & Quick Actions showing you that the venue is ready for review and a link to download the venue map proof. You may download from here, or click on the venue in the venue list.

Image: the VMMS Dashboard showing a venue ready for review.

Step 3. Approve Your Venue Map Proof

Once you’ve reviewed the venue map proof, from the venue detail page you may complete your part of the process and prepare to await your final VMD for your venue. If everything looks correct, you can approve your new map immediately by clicking Approve venue map proof. If you see additional changes you’d like us to make, you can circle back to Step 2 above.

Please review your property’s final map very carefully. If you need to request changes after you’ve given final approval, you may incur additional fees.

Image: the VMMS venue detail page - Step 3. Approve Your Venue Map Proof

For more information

For assistance with the Aegir VMMS, related questions, or information about other Aegir products and services, visit,  contact Aegir Support at [email protected] or call us at (901) 591-1631 between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm CST, Monday through Friday.